Every time you experience heavy rain you may be putting your home at risk. Your gutters are tasked with carrying away moisture from rain, keeping it far from your home and its foundation. When your gutter system fails, this water has no place to go, and you could quickly find yourself with thousands of dollars in property damage.
Pooling water around your property can:
- damage your foundation,
- affect your structure,
- lead to mold or mildew growth, or
- cause water to leak into your home.
Most homeowners can’t spot a failing gutter before the worst occurs, and they may not know their gutter problems could’ve been avoided overall. A few failing gutter signs to look out for are the following:
- Age – The average gutter system will last around 15 to 20 years before one should think about having their gutter system replaced. If gutters are ignored for long periods, this lifespan can be cut much shorter with frequent clogs or other types of damage. Protection with gutter guards ensures your gutters get the most out of their typically limited lifespan.
- Rusting – Rusting on your gutters is a sign of corrosion and that your gutter system is weakening with each passing storm. Gutter clogs trap moisture in your gutters, which may lead to premature rusting throughout the life of your system. Keeping gutters free from leaves, pine needles, and other common debris is the key to avoiding rust formation.
- Pooling around the home – If your gutter system is working properly, it should be carrying water away from the home. If you happen to notice pooling around the home, this means your gutters aren’t doing their job properly. Small areas of pooling may be a sign that your gutters are on the verge of failure.
- Leaks in the home – If you spot moisture coming in where the exterior wall meets the ceiling, this is often a sure sign of impending gutter system failure. This could be caused by a gutter clog, a poorly sealed seam, or a crack in your gutters and will only get worse as time goes on.
- Damaged siding – If you notice mold or mildew growth, cracked siding, or peeling paint, gutter damage may already be wreaking havoc on your home’s structure. This damage is often caused by prolonged exposure to moisture, and that moisture is likely coming from your failing gutter system.
Gutter guards help homeowners protect their property from gutter failure, gutter clogs, and shortened gutter lifespans. With steel mesh and aluminum framing, gutter guards can keep debris out of your gutters so the system can work effectively as intended.